Rockchip UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) is based on the 16550A serial port standard. The complete module supports the following
Note that the functions supported by the UART in the actual chip should be based on the description of the UART chapter in the chip manual. Some UART functions will be appropriately
The YY3588 development board provides a total of 4 uarts for customers to use, registered as ttyS1
, ttyS6
, ttyS7
, ttyS9
Please refer to the schematic diagram for the corresponding hardware position
$ ls /dev/ttyS*
/dev/ttyS1 /dev/ttyS6 /dev/ttyS7 /dev/ttyS9
Short-circuit the target serial port rx
and tx
(take uart1 as an example)
$ sudo su
# View serial port information
# stty -F /dev/ttyS1
# Set the serial port baud rate to 115200
# stty -F /dev/ttyS1 speed 115200
# Set the serial port to eight data bits, no check, one stop bit, no echo
# stty -F /dev/ttyS1 cs8 -parenb -cstopb -echo
# loopback test
# cat /dev/ttyS1 &
# echo -e "youyeetoo\n" > /dev/ttyS1