YYT-MIPI7LCD2203 is a '5 point capacitive touch', '7 inch' color TFT-LCD module. The module consists of the following parts, a TFT LCD panel, a drive circuit, a 5-point capacitive touch and a backlight.
The five-point capacitive touch has 26 drive channels and 14 induction channels, 'able to meet the requirements of higher touch accuracy'. 'Can simultaneously recognize the real-time accurate position of 5 touch points',
'moving track' and 'touch area'. And according to the master demand, read the touch information of the corresponding points.
Note: YY3568 provides two DSI interfaces. YYT-MIPI7LCD2203 can be connected to either DSI0 or DSI1,
But don't connect to CSI next to DSI0, or YYT-MIPI7LCD2203 screen will burn。
cat YY3568-Android11.tar.gz0* > YY3568-Android11.tar.gz
tar -xzvf YY3568-Android11.tar.gz
cd YY3568-Android11
vim kernel/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3568-evb1-ddr4-v10.dts
# find #define DISPLAY_SWITCH 0 /* 0:DSI0 1:DSI1 2:EDP*/ This row
# Change according to your needs #define DISPLAY_SWITCH 0 或 #define DISPLAY_SWITCH 1
source build/envsetup.sh
lunch YY3568-userdebug
./build.sh -UKAu